Hari Progress Kumon

Sabtu lepas ada parents-teacher meeting di Kumon Center 4 beradik ni
Rupanya dah 6 bulan diorang di sini
Baru jugaklah hantar diorang ke Kumon - baru start bulan Disember 2021 hari tu

Dapat no bertuah, no 45

Ready dengan report card #theIMANs 4 beradik

Tapi tak semua turun, bawak Awan dan Alan je
Kebetulan si Kakak memang tak berapa sihat hari tu
Flu teruk so dia rest kat rumah je ditemani Abang

Komen teacher..
Alhamdulillah semuanya on track
Paling banyak kena puji Awan lah
Mula-mula nampak slow tapi sekarang nampaknya 'engine' dah makin laju dah
Dah nak mengejar level si Abang
Alhamdulillah.. alhamdulillah
Itu jer Ayah dan Ibu mampu bagitau depan teacher

Sedar tak sedar bila hantar di Kumon ni
Mereka secara tak langsung belajar..
1) untuk mendisiplinkan diri, 
2) menepati masa
3) buat kerja dengan pantas

Konsep Kumon ni bukan macam belajar di sekolah
Teacher tak ajar ikut silibus di sekolah
Di Kumon mereka kuatkan basic Maths anak-anak

Semasa register, anak-anak akan ditest dulu (diagnostic test)
Nak uji kemampuan mereka dalam Maths
Dari situ barulah teacher akan start bagi latihan based on level masing-masing

Dan akan bermula dengan operasi tambah dulu
Ada banyak worksheet yang perlu diselesaikan... setiap hari
Bukannya kena buat sekaligus
Tapi buat setiap hari ikut date yang teacher dah tulis siap-siap di worksheet
Bila buat latihan Kumon ni, mereka kena tulis masa mula dan masa tamat
So dari situ memang teacher akan rekod jugak prestasi mereka
Contohnya... 100 soalan berapa minit dapat siapkan
Berapa yang salah... semua direkodkan
Kalau buat sekaligus 5 sheet tu memang teacher dapat detect sebab akan banyak silap
So dari situ secara tak langsung, anak-anak pun terdisiplin
Biasalahkan Kumon ni pun konsepnya dari Jepun
Kita pun sedia maklum macam mana budaya orang Jepun
Yang baik kita ikutlah jadi teladan...
Tak gitu?


Kumon was founded by Toru Kumon, a Japanese educator, in July 1958, opening the first Kumon Maths Centre in Moriguchi City, Osaka. Its opening time varies on location. Prior to creating Kumon franchises, Kumon had a job teaching at Kochi Municipal High School and Tosa Junior/Senior High School. Inspired by teaching his own son, Takeshi, Kumon developed a curriculum focused on rote memorization.[2]

Kumon initially grew slowly, only gaining 63,000 students over its first 16 years. However, in 1974, Kumon published a book titled The Secret of Kumon Math, leading to a doubling of its size in the next two years.[2] Kumon opened their first United States locations in 1983,[3] and by 1985, Kumon reached 1.4 million students.[2]

Kumon soon added more educational subjects, leading them to change their name from Kumon Institute of Mathematics to Kumon Institute of Education. At this point, the first Kumon Logo was created. In 1985, Kumon's success lead to an increase in enrollments.[citation needed]

Kumon attracted national attention in the United States after implementation at Sumiton Elementary School, in SumitonAlabama. It became the first American school to integrate the Kumon Math Method into the regular K–4 mathematics curriculum.[3] Sumiton has continued to use the Kumon program through 2001 and has influenced other schools to also adopt the Kumon method in their curriculum.[4]

As of 2008, Kumon had over 26,000 centres around the globe with over 4 million registered students.[5] As of 2018, there were 410,000 students enrolled in 2,200 centers across the United States.[6]

Kumon produced Baby Kumon in Japan in 2012, a tutoring program targeted for children between 1–2 years old. Baby Kumon hasn't been utilized in most Kumon Centres in other countries outside Japan.[7][failed verification] In North America, Kumon began a "Junior Kumon" program in 2001, targeted at children aged 2–5 years old.[8]

Kumon method of teaching

Kumon is an enrichment or remedial program,[9] where instructors and assistants tailor instruction for individual students.

Each student is given an initial assessment of his or her abilities, called the Kumon Diagnostic Test. Each test has 20–60 questions. Based on the results and the student's study skills, a Kumon Instructor creates an individualized study plan.

Students commonly begin Kumon at an easy starting point to build study habits, concentration and a strong understanding of the fundamental topics. As students progress, Kumon instructors raise the difficulty level to challenge the students so they remain motivated, but not so high as to discourage them. The study plan is regularly updated by the Kumon instructor to match the ability of each student. Students advance to the next level after they complete a mastery test of speed and accuracy. Students do not pass or fail the mastery test, but are given chances to practice and retake the exam until they have demonstrated a sound understanding of the material.

Kumon has two core programs, the Kumon Math and Kumon Native Language Programs. There are also Kumon Japanese and Kumon Kokugo courses for Japanese language speakers, and a Pencil Skills Program for younger students.

All Kumon programs are pencil-and-worksheet-based. The worksheets increase in difficulty in small increments. It is recommended that students study on their own for 15–30 minutes for five days of the week, and visit their local Kumon Center the other two days.[10]

Kredit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumon




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  1. anak buah pun ada masuk kumon dulu...

  2. oo bagus yea kumon ni sbb jarang dengar nama dia. jarang sangat dengar ibu bapa yang hantar ke sini...

  3. Bagus konsep pembelajaran Kumon ya.
    Biasa dengar Kumon, tapi tak pernah tahu lanjut.

    1. mcm kita baca iqra jugak la... repeat dan repeat sampailah bila tgk no je budak dh tau jawapan

  4. Kumon tok ada utk biak tahap 2 juak ka? Kmk kinek tok berkira2 mok carik tuisyen ajar mental arithmetic sbb anak2 kmk bila molah homework maths... mahwaku huhu

    1. ada.. anak kmk yg tua ya darjah 6 br stat kumon... nektok dh form 1 terus sambung jak... better late than never... hehehe

  5. Alhamdulillah. Belajar rajin-rajin ye

  6. Kumon ni memang popular dengan kebagusannya. Alhamdulillah ada improvement. Semoga terus cemerlang semuanya.

  7. ammi ada belikan anak-anak buku ala-ala kumon ni...satu page ada 50 soalan kena jawab dalam masa beberapa minit.

  8. Anak2 kalau cemerlang maths auto semua jadi okay kakmim..pusat saya pun terapkan maths juge..

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